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What the Oviedo Convention Bureau has to offer

What the Oviedo Convention Bureau has to offer

The Oviedo Convention Bureau promotes and supports the holding of professional meetings in the city and attends to the needs of promoters and professional congress organisers from the beginning of the process to the staging and closing of the events.

Among its free services, the municipal Tourism and Congresses department include:

  • The preparation and submission of “à la carte” applications based on a common basic document.
  • Information and contacts about services in Oviedo: hotels, restaurants, service personnel companies, translators, audiovisual enterprises, assembly companies, printers and billboard companies…. As a public service, listings are provided without screening.
  • Intermediation with the City Council’s official and protocol representatives and contact with regional institutions.
  • Information and coordination with other municipal departments if necessary.
  • Technical assistance and plans of the facilities and of the elements to be implemented during the event.
  • Reception and assistance during prior inspection visits to the municipal facilities.
  • Information and processing of aids and grants from the City Council for congresses, meetings and events in Oviedo, even if they are not held in municipal facilities.
  • Personalised assistance during the implementation and staging of a conference, meeting or event.

The asset of being the Capital

Oviedo, as the capital of Asturias, is the seat of regional and state agencies that promote all kinds of events, as do the companies with headquarters in our municipality or the professional associations, which organise events and conventions. However, when we talk about congresses and the capital status of Oviedo, there are two fundamental pillars to take into account: the University of Oviedo and the Central University Hospital of Asturias (HUCA), which generate dozens of regional, national and international meetings every year.