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The Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago)

The Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago)

The original starting point of the first cultural route in Europe, the Way of St James, is Oviedo, where it all started thanks to King Alfonso II the Chaste, considered the first pilgrim, when he travelled to the Galician town in 834, alerted by Bishop Teodomiro of the "discovery" of the apostle's tomb.

That “kilometre 0” of the Way of St. James marks the beginning of the so-called Primitive Way that, two centuries later, was superseded by the “French Way”, which is more popular today.

The Primitive Way, in addition to its value as the original itinerary, has the attraction of being much less crowded and more natural and rugged. Today, it has been acknowledged by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site along with the rest of the so-called “Northern Routes”.

Own Hostel and Logo

To welcome the pilgrims who, since medieval times, pass through Oviedo to worship San Salvador (the Holy Saviour) on their pilgrimage to Santiago, the city has a hostel it has been promoting for 25 years. It is maintained by the City Council and run by the Asociación Asturleonesa de Amigos del Camino de Santiago (Astur-Leon Association of Friends of St. James Way) (

The Hostel is now located in the building that the Seminary has in “Prao Picón” (20 Leopoldo Alas Street). With a floor area of 600 square metres, it can accommodate up to 51 people in 14 rooms with showers, heating, first aid, a lounge-dining room with a microwave oven, a coffee machine, and Wi-Fi.

However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Hostel is now operating under all the sanitary measures required by the Spanish Institute for Tourism Quality (ICTE) for these facilities. This means it must accommodate fewer people. It now only accommodates pilgrims with a prior reservation, only one guest (or family group or pilgrimage group) per room, luggage and backpacks must be disinfected at the door, and the use of face coverings and social distancing is mandatory.

Although the Way of St James in Oviedo is clearly linked to the Way’s international image and the typical pilgrim shell, the municipality also has its own logo: a large circle, like the initial of the word Oviedo, and inside, next to the symbols of a pilgrim, the Cross of the Angels, the symbol of the city, and the legend "Oviedo, Origin of the Way".



Oviedo Origen del camino

Donde sellar la credencial

Para poder obtener la Compostela al llegar a Santiago y acreditar que se ha realizado el Camino, los peregrinos necesitan sellar la credencial en el recorrido y hacer este al menos a lo largo de 100 kilómetros si se hace a pie o a caballo y 200 si se recorre en bicicleta. La Compostela acredita haber realizado la Ruta Jacobea y la credencial, que el portador es peregrino así como los kilómetros y lugares recorridos

En Oviedo, Origen del Camino, hay hasta siete sitios donde poder solicitar el sellado de la credencial y son:

Albergue de Peregrinos El Salvador

C/ Leopoldo Alas, 20. Tfno. 985228525

Abierto todos los días, de 17:00 a 21.00

Catedral de El Salvador

Plaza de Alfonso II el Casto. Tfno. 985219642

Consultar horarios:

Oficina Municipal de Información Turística y Atención al Peregrino de Oviedo

El Escorialin, C/ Marqués de Santa Cruz. Tfno.985 22 75 86

Abierta todos los días, de 09:00 a 19:00

Oficina de Turismo de Asturias

Plaza de la Constitución, 4. Tfno. 984 49 35 63

Entre 9/05 y 15/06 y de 16/09 a 30/12

  • De lunes a viernes, de 09:00 a 17:30
  • Sábados, domingos y festivos: de 10:00 a 17:00
  • Semana Santa: de 09:00 a 19:00
  • Puente de la Constitución: de 09:00 a 17:00

Entre 16/06 y 15/09

  • Todos los días, de 09:00 a 19:00

Jefatura Superior de Policía de Asturias

C/ General Yagüe, 9. Tfno.985967100

De lunes a viernes, de 09:00 a 19:00

Cuartel de la Policía Nacional

Avenida de Buenavista, 7. Tfno. 985246467

Oficina de Correos de Oviedo

C/ Alonso Quintanilla, 1. Tfno. 985208884

Dispone también de sellado digital

  • De lunes a viernes, de 08:30 a 20:30
  • Sábados: de 09:30 a 13:00


Los peregrinos del Camino de El Salvador –entre las catedrales de León y Oviedo- pueden obtener también la Salvadorana