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The cultural venue par excellence in Oviedo is the hundred-year-old Campoamor Theatre, located in the heart of the city. This architectural jewel is the setting for the Zarzuela, Dance and Opera seasons, as well as major concerts and plays. Its history has made it worthy of highly successful dramatised guided tours. The Filarmónica (Philharmonic) is the city’s second greatest theatre. It offers an extensive cultural programme throughout the year. Among others, the "Teatro en Primavera” (Spring Theatre) cycles (for adult audiences); "En Familia" (With the Family) and "Domingos para bebés" (Sundays for Children) cycles (for children), as well as a film festivals, such as the Semana del Audiovisual Contemporáneo de Oviedo (Oviedo Contemporary Audiovisual Week - SACO). Regarding music, we must mention the Concert Cycle, the Luis G. Iberni Piano Festival, and the Spring Baroque cycle in the Príncipe Felipe Auditorium while Trascorales has become a multi-purpose space that stages exhibitions, fairs, and markets throughout the year.